1.6. Table 3 lists the courses that have been taught as Invited Assistant Professor (2012-2016) and Assistant Professor (since 2016).

Table 3 – Courses taught since 2012 as chair or co-chair.

Cycle of studies Curricular units /Regency (R)
FCUP 1st cycle Several FCUP degrees Personal and Professional Development R
2nd cycle Master's degree in Physics and Chemistry Teaching in the 3rd Cycle of Basic and Secondary Education Initiation to Professional Practice, including Supervised Teaching Practice R
Multimedia and Scientific Education R
Didactics of Chemistry I and II R
Master's degree in Physics and Chemistry Teaching /Master's degree in Biology and Geology Teaching in the 3rd Cycle of Basic and Secondary Education Sustainability Education (Chemistry module)
Master's degree in Science Education and Communication Elements of Science Communication R
Teaching and Communication of Physics and Chemistry R
Erasmus Mundus SERP+ Chemistry International Master's Degree Scientific Writing and Career Management
Master's degree in Physics and Chemistry in school context* E-learning in Chemistry Teaching R
Multimedia in Chemistry Teaching R
Multimedia in Chemistry Teaching
3rd cycle Doctoral Program in Science Education and Communication Science Communication (Chemistry module)
Communication Techniques in the Development of Science Communication Practices R
Science Teaching (Chemistry module)
Philosophy and History of Sciences (Chemistry module)
Project - Science Education and Communication
FEUP** 2nd cycle Master's degree in Multimedia Multimedia Education R
E-learning contexts R
Educational Software R
Research Methodologies R
3rd cycle Doctoral Program in Digital Media Research Methods R
Seminar I and II
UC InovPed*** Science Communication for Non-Specialized Audiences R
FPCEUP** 1st cycle Degree in Educational Sciences Multimedia and Education Lab R

* Partner teacher

** These curricular units were created specifically with the purpose of fostering multidisciplinarity in the University of Porto, allowing students to enhance their training, especially in transversal skills, while developing innovative pedagogical-scientific partnerships between their teachers.

1.5. Table 4 courses taught, in the category Invited Assistant Professor at 14,3% and 17%, in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, from 2009 to 2012.Link1 Link2 Link3 Link4 Link5

Table 4 – Courses taught, in the category Invited Assistant Professor, from 2009/2010 to 2011/2012.

Organic Unit Teaching Cycle of studies
FEUP Multimedia Education 2nd cycle
Open and Distance Learning
Educational Software

1.4. Assistance to teaching – with Head Professor João Carlos Paiva – in the practical component of the course Didactics of Chemistry II, within the curriculum of the Masters in Physics and Chemistry Teaching and the Masters in Physics and Chemistry in School Context of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, 2010/2011.  Link1 Link2

1.3. Assistance to teaching – with Head Professor João Carlos Paiva – in the course Multimedia in Chemistry Teaching, within the curriculum of the Masters in Physics and Chemistry in School Context of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, 2010/2011. Link

1.2. Assistance to teaching – with Head Professor João Carlos Paiva – in the practical component of the course Didactics of Chemistry I, within the curriculum of the Masters in Physics and Chemistry Teaching and the Masters in Physics and Chemistry in School Context of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, 2010/2011. Link

1.1. Collaborator – with Head Professor João Carlos Paiva – in the subject Open and Distance Learning, within the curriculum of the Masters in Multimedia of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, 2008/2009.


2. There was a good performance in the pedagogical surveys from the last five academic years, obtained through the Academic Management Platform of the University of Porto (SIGARRA), for the curricular units in which information is available. Considering the average of the four dimensions evaluated for the teacher (support for autonomy, consistency and help, structure and relationship) in all available curricular units, weighted with the number of responses in each occurrence, an average classification of 6.3 points is obtained in 7 (i.e. 90%).

1. In 2012, the work carried out in the course Multimedia in Chemistry Teaching was selected to integrate the e-learning Workshop of the University of Porto, becoming one of the finalists for the UP Excellence Award in e-learning.


4. Physics and Chemistry Teacher at Escola EB 2/3 de Leça do Balio, with 7th grade classes (2008/2009).

3. Physics and Chemistry Teacher at Escola Secundária Carolina Michaëlis, in Porto, with 10th and 11th grade classes (2007/2008).

2. Physics and Chemistry Teacher at Escola EB 2/3 de Maria Lamas, in Porto, with 7th grade classes (2005/2006).

1. Training teacher in Physics and Chemistry at Escola Secundária de S. Pedro da Cova, with 8th, 9th and 12th grade Physics classes (2003/2004). Link



1.9. Education for Sustainable Development: Transform your school for a sustainable future. Continuous training for teachers, developed as part of the Erasmus + SustainALL project, lasting 18 hours (2024).

1.8. Laboratory practices using low-cost microscopes in the Teaching and Learning of Natural Sciences and Biology – 2023/2024. Continuous Teacher Training Course, recognized by the Cape Verde Ministry of Education, lasting 12 hours (implementation: Praia City, Cape Verde).  Link

1.7. Active methodologies in Physics and Chemistry teaching – 2020/2021. Teacher Continuous Training Course accredited by the Regional Directorate of Education – Regional Government of Azores, within ProSucesso program, with a 50-hour duration (implementation: islands Terceira and S. Miguel) (2020-2021).

1.6. VII Meeting of the Division of Chemistry Education and Communication – 2018. Teacher Continuous Training Session accredited by the Continuous Training Scientific-Pedagogical Committee of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, with a 12-hour duration (2018). Link

1.5. III Meeting in Science Education and Communication of FCUP – 2017. Teacher Continuous Training Session accredited by the Continuous Training Scientific-Pedagogical Committee of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, with a 12-hour duration (2017). Link

1.4. II Meeting in Science Education and Communication of FCUP – 2016. Teacher Continuous Training Session accredited by the Continuous Training Scientific-Pedagogical Committee of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, with a 12-hour duration (2016). Link

1.3. I Meeting in Science Education and Communication of FCUP – 2015. Teacher Continuous Training Session accredited by the Continuous Training Scientific-Pedagogical Committee of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, with a 12-hour duration (2015). Link

1.2. Chemistry Laboratory Contexts in Highschool Education: a look at the curricular goals (with the collaboration of Professor Ana Reis). Teacher Continuous Training Session accredited by the Continuous Training Scientific-Pedagogical Committee of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, with a 25-hour duration (2015). Link

1.1. Chemistry Laboratory Contexts in Secondary Education: a look at the curricular goals (with the collaboration of Professor Ana Reis). Teacher Continuous Training Session accredited by the Continuous Training Scientific-Pedagogical Committee of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, with a 25-hour duration (2015).


2.34. Co-trainer in the training session Education for Sustainable Development: Transform your school for a sustainable future. Continuous training for teachers, developed as part of the Erasmus + SustainALL project, lasting 18 hours (2024).  Link

2.33. Co-trainer in the training session Laboratory practices using low-cost microscopes in the Teaching and Learning of Natural Sciences and Biology – 2023/2024. Continuous Teacher Training Course, recognized by the Cape Verde Ministry of Education, lasting 12 hours (implementation: Praia City, Cape Verde) (2024).  Link

2.32. Co-trainer in the training session Desenho educacional para ensino e aprendizagem em ambientes misto e a distância, [Educational design for teaching and learning in blended and distance environments], developed as part of the University of Porto’s 2022-2023 training plan for teachers, lasting 6 hours (2023). Link

2.31. Co-trainer in the training session Química 4.0 Educar e Comunicar para a Inclusão e Literacia(s) [Chemistry 4.0 Education and Communication for Inclusion and Literacy(ies)], held at Escola Básica e Secundária Frei Gonçalo de Azevedo, Cascais, for the IX Encontro da Divisão de Ensino e Divulgação da Química [IX Meeting of the Division for Chemistry Teaching and Communication], with a 12-hour duration (2021).

2.30. Co-trainer in the training session Aprendizagem da Física no 3.º ciclo e no Ensino Secundário [Physics learning in the 3rd cycle and High School], held at the Institute of Education of the University of Lisbon and the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, with a 50-hour duration (2021).

2.29. Co-trainer in the training session Contextos laboratoriais de Química no Ensino Secundário: Um olhar sobre as metas curriculares [Laboratorial Chemistry contexts in High School: An overview of curricular goals] (with the collaboration of Professor Ana Reis), held at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, with a 25-hour duration (2020).

2.28. Co-trainer in the training session Experiências de Aprendizagem no 3.º Ciclo [Learning experiments in Middle School], held at the Education School of the University of Lisbon and the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, with a 50-hour duration (2019-2020).

2.27. Co-trainer in the training session Encontro de Ensino e Divulgação da Química da Sociedade Portuguesa de Química [Portuguese Chemistry Society’s Meeting on Chemistry Teaching and Communication], held at the Escola Secundária Avelar Brotero, Coimbra, with a 13-hour duration (2019).

2.26. Co-trainer in the training session Contextos laboratoriais de Química no Ensino Secundário: Um olhar sobre as metas curriculares [Laboratorial Chemistry contexts in High School: An overview of curricular goals] (with the collaboration of Professor Ana Reis), held at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, with a 25-hour duration (2019).

2.25. Co-trainer in the training session Experimenta Ciências – questionar, praticar e implementar [Experiment Sciences – questioning, practicing and implementing], for teachers of the 1st cycle of basic education (with the collaboration of Professors Paulo Simeão de Carvalho and Fernando Tavares, FCUP), held at Agrupamento de Escolas Joaquim de Araújo, Penafiel, with a 25-hour duration (2018).

2.24. Co-trainer in the training session Contextos laboratoriais de Química no Ensino Secundário: um olhar sobre as metas curriculares [Laboratorial Chemistry contexts in High School: An overview of curricular goals] (Co-trainer in the training session Ana Reis), held at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, with a 25-hour duration (2018).

2.23. Co-trainer in the training session III Meeting in Science Education and Communication of FCUP – 2017 (with the collaboration of Professor João Carlos Paiva, Professor Clara Vasconcelos, Professor Paulo Simeão Carvalho and Professor José Carlos Santos), held at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, with a 12-hour duration (2017).

2.22. Co-trainer in the training session II Meeting in Science Education and Communication of FCUP – 2016 (with the collaboration of Professor João Carlos Paiva, Professor Clara Vasconcelos, Professor Paulo Simeão Carvalho and Professor José Carlos Santos), held at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, with a 12-hour duration (2016).

2.21. Co-trainer in the training session Physics and Chemistry – a global and modern approach in the 11th grade (with the collaboration of Professor João Carlos Paiva, Professor Doutor Manuel Fiolhais and Dr. Graça Ventura), held in Mangualde and Covilhã, with a 12-hour duration (2016). Link

2.20. Co-trainer in the training session I Meeting in Science Education and Communication of FCUP – 2015 (with the collaboration of Professor João Carlos Paiva, Professor Clara Vasconcelos, Professor Paulo Simeão Carvalho and Professor José Carlos Santos), held at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, with a 12-hour duration (2015).

2.19. Co-trainer in the training session Contextos laboratoriais de Química no Ensino Secundário: Um olhar sobre as metas curriculares [Laboratorial Chemistry contexts in High School: An overview of curricular goals] (with the collaboration of Professor Ana Reis), held at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, with a 25-hour duration (2015).

 2.18. Co-trainer in the training session Physics and Chemistry – a global and modern approach (with the collaboration of Professor João Carlos Paiva, Professor Manuel Fiolhais and Dr. Graça Ventura) held in Aveiro, Viseu and Porto, with a 12-hour duration (2015). Link

2.17. Co-trainer in the training session E-learning Platforms and Experiments in Chemistry Teaching (with the collaboration of Professor João Carlos Paiva), held at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, within the CAPES/U. Porto Teacher Training Project, with a 25-hour duration (2014).

 2.16. Co-trainer in the training session Multimedia in Chemistry Teaching, held at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, within the CAPES/U. Porto Teacher Training Project, with a 25-hour duration (2014).

 2.15. Co-trainer in the training session The Physics and Chemistry Teacher in action-research, held at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, with a 50-hour duration (2013).

 2.14. Co-trainer in the training session The Physics and Chemistry Teacher in action-research, held at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, with a 50-hour duration (2011-2012).

 2.13. Co-trainer in the training session E-learning Platforms and Experiments in Chemistry Teaching, held at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, with a 25-hour duration (2011).

 2.12. Co-trainer in the training session Multimedia in Chemistry Teaching, held at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, with a 25-hour duration (2011).

 2.11. Co-trainer in the training session Interactive Boards in Chemistry Teaching, held at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, with a 25-hour duration (2011).

 2.10. Co-trainer in the training session Multimedia in Chemistry Teaching, held at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, with a 25-hour duration (2011).

2.9. Co-trainer in the training session E-learning Platforms and Experiments in Chemistry Teaching, held at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, with a 25-hour duration (2011).

 2.8. Co-trainer in the training session E-learning Platforms and Experiments in Chemistry Teaching, held at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, with a 25-hour duration (2010).

2.7. Co-trainer in the training session Multimedia in Chemistry Teaching, held at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, with a 25-hour duration (2010).

 2.6. Co-trainer in the training session Multimedia in Chemistry Teaching, held at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, with a 25-hour duration (2010).

 2.5. Co-trainer in the training session Multimedia in Chemistry Teaching, held at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, with a 25-hour duration (2009).

 2.4. Co-trainer in the training session Multimedia in Chemistry Teaching, held at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, with a 25-hour duration (2008).

 2.3. Cotrainer in the training workshop Internet Safety, held at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Coimbra, organized by the Softciências Centro de Competência ECRIE, with a 30-hour duration (2008). Link

 2.2. Co-trainer in the training session Multimedia in Chemistry Teaching, within the IV Forum GPS, Education and Training, held at the Professional Centre of Figueira da Foz, with a 8-hour duration (2007). Link

2.1. Co-trainer in the training session Multimedia in Chemistry Teaching, held at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, with a 25-hour duration (2007).

[The training sessions/courses listed 1-17 were performed in collaboration with Professor João Carlos Paiva.]


3.3. Responsible for the workshop Inquiry-based Science Education: Multimedia and inquiry modules for Science teaching in Basic and Secondary Schools, held at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, 7 July 2017, as part of the III Meeting in Science Education and Communication (trainers: Nuno Francisco and Jorge Mota). Link

3.2. Responsible for the workshop Multimedia in Science Teaching: Inquiry-based Science Education, held at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, 3 November 2016, as part of the 20 year celebration of University of Porto’s Masters degree in Multimedia (trainers: Nuno Francisco and Jorge Mota). Link

3.1. Responsible for the workshop Feed, Feedback, Feedforward, realizado na Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, held at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, 3 November 2016, as part of the 20 year celebration of University of Porto’s Masters degree in Multimedia (trainers: Miguel Gonçalves, Juliana Monteiro and Diogo Santos).


4.9. Trainer at the workshop “Evaluation with Gowin’s V” held, by invitation, as part of the 1st Regional Education Congress – Active Teaching Methodologies and Pedagogical Innovation. Ministry of Education, Praia Delegation – Santiago, Cape Verde, April 16, 2024.

4.8. Trainer of the workshop Multimédia no Ensino da Química [Multimedia in Chemistry Teaching], held at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, within the XVIII Encontro Nacional de Educação em Ciências (XVIII ENEC) [XVIII National Meeting of Science Education (XVIII ENEC)], 5-7 September 2019. Link

4.7. Co-trainer (with Professor Ana Reis) in the workshop Lab Contexts in High School Chemistry, held at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, within the Meeting of scientists and science teachers “A Ciência por quem a faz e por quem a ensina” [‘Science as seen by those who make it and those who teach it’], 11 September 2017. Link

4.6. Co-trainer in the workshop Digital Recources in Science Teaching and its Pedagogical Potential, held at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, 8 July 2015. Link1 Link2

4.5. Co-trainer (with Professor João Carlos Paiva and Drs. José Barros, Nuno Francisco and Luciano Moreira) in the workshop Technological support for inquiry-based learning: Development of digital resources in science education using Web 2.0 tools, held within the 2nd International PROFILES Conference in Berlin, Germany, 25-27 August 2014. Link

4.4. Co-trainer (with Professor João Carlos Paiva and Drs. José Gonçalves, José Barros, Nuno Francisco and Luciano Moreira) of the stand CIA – color in action: can you see it?, in the Science Fair held within the 2nd International PROFILES Conference in Berlin, Germany, 25-27 August 2014. Link

4.3. Co-trainer (with Professor João Carlos Paiva and Dr. Luciano Moreira) of the workshop Qualititative Data Analysis, held at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, 13 November 2013. Link

4.2. Trainer of the workshop Development and use of digital resources in Science Education, held within the XXI National Meeting of the Portuguese Chemistry Society (2008).

4.1. Trainer of the workshop The use of new techologies at school, held within the 4th National Meeting of the Division Division of Chemistry Education and Communication of the Portuguese Chemistry Society (2005). Link


1. Co-authorship of the curricular plan for the 2nd cycle course: MSc in Science Education and Communication, for the school year 2019/2020. Link


3. Co-authorship of the first program for the curricular units Elementos de Divulgação das Ciências [Elements for Science Communication], Ensino e Divulgação da Física e da Química [Physics and Chemistry Education and Communication] e Multimédia no Ensino e na Divulgação das Ciências [Multimedia in Science Education and Communication], which integrated the first study plan of the Master’s degree in Science Education and Communication, in the school year 2019-2020.

2. Co-authorship of the first program for the curricular unit Science Communication for Non Specialiazed Audiences. This curricular unit has been a candidate to the ‘Unidade Curricular InovPed’ program, where it was selected by the jury and approved for financing in 2018. Link1   Link2   Link3

1. Co-authorship of the first program for the curricular unit Museus e Comunicação em Ciência [Museums and Communication in Science which was part of the syllabus redesign of the MSc in Physics and Chemistry Teaching in Middle and Secondary school, in the school year 2015-2016.


2. Co-authorship of the first program of the Transversal Skills Course: Transferable Skills in Science, in the school year 2021/2022.

1. Co-authorship of the first program of the Transversal Skills Course: Society and Scientific Culture, in the school year 2021/2022.


12. III Meeting in Science Education and Communication of FCUP – 2017. Teacher Continuous Training Session accredited by the Continuous Training Scientific-Pedagogical Committee of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, with a 12-hour duration (2017). Link

11. II Meeting in Science Education and Communication of FCUP – 2016. Teacher Continuous Training Session accredited by the Continuous Training Scientific-Pedagogical Committee of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, with a 12-hour duration (2016). Link

10. I Meeting in Science Education and Communication of FCUP – 2015. Teacher Continuous Training Session accredited by the Continuous Training Scientific-Pedagogical Committee of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, with a 12-hour duration (2015). Link

9. Chemistry Laboratory Contexts in Secondary Education: a look at the curricular goals (with the collaboration of Professor Ana Reis). Teacher Continuous Training Session accredited by the Continuous Training Scientific-Pedagogical Committee of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, with a 25-hour duration (2015). Link 

8. Chemistry Laboratory Contexts in Middle Education: a look at the curricular goals (with the collaboration of Professor Ana Reis). Teacher Continuous Training Session accredited by the Continuous Training Scientific-Pedagogical Committee of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, with a 25-hour duration (2015). Link

7. Personal and Professional Development in Sciences (in collaboration with Professor João Carlos Paiva and Dr. Luciano Moreira). Teacher Continuous Training Session accredited by the Continuous Training Scientific-Pedagogical Committee of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, with a 25-hour duration (2015). Link

6. Physics and Chemistry – a global and modern approach (in collaboration with Professor João Carlos Paiva, Professor Manuel Fiolhais and Dr. Graça Ventura). Teacher Continuous Training Session accredited by the Continuous Training Scientific-Pedagogical Committee of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, with a 12-hour duration (2015). Link 

5. Interactive Boards in Chemistry Teaching (in collaboration with Professor João Carlos Paiva). Teacher Continuous Training Workshop accredited by the Continuous Training Scientific-Pedagogical Committee of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, with a 25-hour duration (2011). Link 

4. The Physics and Chemistry Teacher in action-research (in collaboration with Professor João Carlos Paiva). Teacher Continuous Training Workshop accredited by the Continuous Training Scientific-Pedagogical Committee of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, with a 50-hour duration (2011). Link 

3. Multimedia in Chemistry Teaching II (in collaboration with Professor João Carlos Paiva). Teacher Continuous Training Session accredited by the Continuous Training Scientific-Pedagogical Committee of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, with a 25-hour duration (2011). Link

2. E-learning Platforms and Experiments in Chemistry Teaching (in collaboration with Professor João Carlos Paiva). Teacher Continuous Training Session accredited by the Continuous Training Scientific-Pedagogical Committee of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, with a 25-hour duration (2010, 2015). Link

1. Multimedia in Chemistry Teaching (in collaboration with Professor João Carlos Paiva). Teacher Continuous Training Session accredited by the Continuous Training Scientific-Pedagogical Committee of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, with a 25-hour duration (2010, 2015). Link


11. Chemistry Didactics I, which is part of the syllabus of the MSc in Physics and Chemistry Teaching at FCUP (2016-2017).

10. Chemistry Didactics II, which is part of the syllabus of the MSc in Physics and Chemistry Teaching at FCUP (2015-2016, 2021-2022).

9. Research Methods, which is part of the syllabus of the Doctoral Program in Digital Media at FEUP (2014-2015).

8. Educational Software, which is part of the syllabus of the MSc in Multimedia at FEUP (2013-2014).

7. E-learning Contexts, which is part of the syllabus of the MSc in Multimedia at FEUP (2013-2014).

6. Multimedia Education, which is part of the syllabus of the MSc in Multimedia at FEUP (2013-2014).

5. Scientific Communication, which is part of the syllabus of the Doctoral Program in Education and Communication of Sciences at FCUP  (2013-2014).

4. Multimedia and Scientific Education, which is part of the syllabus of the MSc in Physics and Chemistry Teaching in Middle and Secondary school, the MSc in Biology and Geology Teaching in Middle and Secondary school (2013-2014).

3. Personal and Professional Development, which is part of the syllabus of the Graduation Programs in FCUP (2013-2014).

2. Research Methodologies, which is part of the syllabus of the MSc in Multimedia at FEUP (2012-2013).

1. Multimedia and Education Lab, which is part of the syllabus of the Graduation Program in FPCEUP (2012-2013).


In addition to the projects mentioned in section A2, which, despite their scientific character, aim at optimizing the teaching and learning process, the following projects are added, focusing exclusively on enhancing the teaching and learning process.


1.1. Ongoing

1.1.1. Applicant/Head teacher of the program Project Summer Building and Disseminating Chemistry 2.0 of the Junior University, for 9th to 11th grade students (2014 – …).

Funding institution: Rectory of the University of Porto

Total funding amount: 400,00 Euros


2.1. Concluded

2.1.2 Executive coordination of the project Pais com a Ciência [Parents with Science] of the Music Conservatory of Porto – promotion of experimental activities in Science among Primary school students (2014).

Funding institution: The Music Conservatory of Porto

Total funding amount: 500,00 Euros

2.1.1. Coordination of the project Didática das Ciências [Science Didactics]: training project for Physics and Chemistry teachers of the Colégio Júlio Dinis, Porto – promotion of training activities in collaboration with Professor Paulo Simeão (2013).

Funding institution: Colégio Júlio Dinis
Total funding amount: 3.000,00 Euros


[Except for those already mentioned as coordinator.]

3.1. Participation in the Project Casa das Ciências [House of Sciences] (Gulbenkian portal for teachers): development of computer simulation: Soluções aquosas: concentração e atividade [Aqueous solutions: concentration and activity] (2010).  Link

Funding institution: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
Total funding amount: 2.700,00 Euros



1.1. Ferreira, J. A., Tavares, F., Carvalho, P. S., Morais, C., Magalhães, A. L., Mota, A. R., Martins, A. S., Santos, A. I., & Araújo, J. L. (2021). ExperimentaCiências – Um guia para professores do primeiro ciclo [ExperimentaCiências – A guide to Basic School teachers]. Rev. Ciência Elem., V9(A). Casa das Ciências/ICETA. Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto. ISSN 2183-9697. Link



1.42. Paiva, J. C., Ferreira, A., Vale, J., & Morais, C. (2023). 12Q – Química, 12.º ano [12Q – Chemistry, 12th grade]. Lisboa: Texto Editores.  Link

1.41. Paiva, J. C., Ferreira, A., Vale, J., & Morais, C. (2023). Caderno de Atividades [12Q – Química, 12.º ano [Activity Book 12Q – Chemistry, 12th grade]. Lisboa: Texto Editores. Link

1.40. Costa, S., Fiolhais, C., Fiolhais, M., Morais, C., & Paiva, J. C. (2023). Universo FQ – Físico-Química, 9.º ano [FQ Universe – Chemistry and Physics, 9th grade]. Lisboa: Texto Editores.  Link1  Link2

1.39. Costa, S., Fiolhais, C., Fiolhais, M., Morais, C., & Paiva, J. C. (2023). Caderno de Atividades Universo FQ – Físico-Química, 9.º ano [Activity book Universe, 9th grade]. Lisboa: Texto Editores.  Link

1.38. Costa, S., Fiolhais, C., Fiolhais, M., Morais, C., & Paiva, J. C. (2023). Caderno de Apoio ao Professor Universo FQ – Físico-Química, 9.º ano [Teacher’s notebook FQ Universe – Chemistry and Physics, 9th grade]. Lisboa: Texto Editores. Link

1.37. Paiva, J. C., Matos, G., Morais, C., & Fiolhais, C. (2022). 11Q – Química, 11.º ano [11Q – Chemistry, 11th grade]. Lisboa: Texto Editores.  Link1 Link2

1.36. Paiva, J. C., Matos, G., Morais, C., & Fiolhais, C. (2022). Caderno de Atividades 11Q – Química, 11.º ano [Activity Book 11Q – Chemistry, 11th grade]. Lisboa: Texto Editores.  Link

1.35. Paiva, J. C., Matos, G., Morais, C., & Fiolhais, C. (2022). Caderno de Apoio ao Professor 11Q – Química, 11.º ano [Teacher’s book 11Q – Chemistry, 11th grade]. Lisboa: Texto Editores.  Link

1.34. Costa, S., Fiolhais, C., Fiolhais, M., Morais, C., & Paiva, J. C. (2022). Universo FQ – Físico-Química, 8.º ano [FQ Universe – Chemistry and Physics Sciences, 8th grade]. Lisboa: Texto Editores. Link1 Link2 Link3

1.33. Costa, S., Fiolhais, C., Fiolhais, M., Morais, C., & Paiva, J. C. (2022). Caderno de Atividades Universo FQ – Físico-Química, 8.º ano [Lab and Activity book FQ Universe – Chemistry and Physics Sciences, 8th grade]. Lisboa: Texto Editores.Link

1.32. Costa, S., Fiolhais, C., Fiolhais, M., Morais, C., & Paiva, J. C. (2022). Caderno de Apoio ao Professor Universo FQ – Físico-Química, 8.º ano [Teacher’s notebook FQ Universe – Chemistry and Physics Sciences, 8th grade]. Lisboa: Texto Editores. Link

1.31. Paiva, J. C., Matos, G., Morais, C., & Fiolhais, C. (2021). 10Q – Química, 10.º ano [10Q – Chemistry, 10th grade]. Lisbon: Texto Editores. Link1   Link2 

1.30. Paiva, J. C., Matos, G., Morais, C., & Fiolhais, C. (2021). Caderno de Atividades 10Q – Química, 10.º ano [Activity Book 10Q – Chemistry, 10th grade]. Lisbon: Texto Editores. Link

1.29. Paiva, J. C., Matos, G., Morais, C., & Fiolhais, C. (2021). Caderno de Apoio ao Professor 10Q – Química, 10.º ano. [Teacher’s book 10Q – Chemistry, 10th grade]. Lisbon: Texto Editores. Link

1.28. Costa, S., Fiolhais, C., Fiolhais, M., Morais, C., & Paiva, J. C. (2021). Universo FQ – Físico-Química, 7.º ano [FQ Universe – Chemistry and Physics, 7th grade]. Lisbon: Texto Editores. Link1 Link2 Link3

1.27. Costa, S., Fiolhais, C., Fiolhais, M., Morais, C., & Paiva, J. C. (2021). Caderno de Atividades Universo FQ – Físico-Química, 7.º ano [Activity book Universe, 7th grade]. Lisbon: Texto Editores. Link

1.26. Costa, S., Fiolhais, C., Fiolhais, M., Morais, C., & Paiva, J. C. (2021). Caderno de Apoio ao Professor Universo FQ – Físico-Química, 7.º ano [Teacher’s notebook FQ Universe – Chemistry and Physics, 7th grade]. Lisbon: Texto Editores. Link

1.25. Paiva, J. C., Ferreira, A., Vale, J., Morais, C., & Gil, V. (2017). 12Q – Química, 12.º ano [12Q – Chemistry, 12th grade]. Lisbon: Texto Editores. Link

1.24. Paiva, J. C., Ferreira, A., Vale, J., Morais, C., & Gil, V. (2017). Caderno de Atividades 12Q – Química, 12.º ano [Activity Book 12Q – Chemistry, 12th grade]. Lisbon: Texto Editores. Link

1.23. Paiva, J. C., Ferreira, A., Vale, J., Morais, C., & Gil, V. (2017). Caderno de Apoio ao Professor 12Q – Química, 12.º ano [Teacher’s book 12Q – Chemistry, 12th grade]. Lisbon: Texto Editores. Link

1.22. Paiva, J. C., Ferreira, A., Matos, G., Morais, C., & Fiolhais, C. (2016). 11Q – Química, 11.º ano [11Q – Chemistry, 11th grade]. Lisbon: Texto Editores. Link1 Link2

1.21. Paiva, J. C., Ferreira, A., Matos, G., Morais, C., & Fiolhais, C. (2016). Caderno de Atividades 11Q – Química, 11.º ano [Activity Book 11Q – Chemistry, 11th grade]. Lisbon: Texto Editores. Link

1.20. Paiva, J. C., Ferreira, A., Matos, G., Morais, C., & Fiolhais, C. (2016). Caderno de Apoio ao Professor 11Q – Química, 11.º ano [Teacher’s book 11Q – Chemistry, 11th grade]. Lisbon: Texto Editores. Link

1.19. Costa, S., Fiolhais, C., Fiolhais, M., Gil, V., Morais, C., & Paiva, J. C. (2015). Universo FQ Ciências Físico-Químicas, 9.º ano [FQ Universe – Chemistry and Physics Sciences, 9th grade]. Lisbon: Texto Editores. Link1 Link2 Link3

1.18. Costa, S., Fiolhais, C., Fiolhais, M., Gil, V., Morais, C., & Paiva, J. C. (2015). Caderno de Atividades e de Laboratório Universo FQ Ciências Físico-Químicas, 9.º ano [Lab and Activity book FQ Universe Chemistry and Physics Sciences, 9th grade]. Lisbon: Texto Editores. Link1 Link2

1.17. Costa, S., Fiolhais, C., Fiolhais, M., Gil, V., Morais, C., & Paiva, J. C. (2015). Caderno de Apoio ao Professor Universo FQ Ciências Físico-Químicas, 9.º ano [Teacher’s notebook FQ Universe Chemistry and Physics Sciences, 9th grade]. Lisbon: Texto Editores. Link

1.16. Costa, S., Fiolhais, C., Fiolhais, M., Gil, V., Morais, C., & Paiva, J. C. (2014). Universo FQ Ciências Físico-Químicas, 8.º ano [FQ Universe Chemistry and Physics Sciences, 8th grade]. Lisbon: Texto Editores. Link1 Link2 Link3

1.15. Costa, S., Fiolhais, C., Fiolhais, M., Gil, V., Morais, C., & Paiva, J. C. (2014). Caderno de Atividades Universo FQ Ciências Físico-Químicas, 8.º ano [Activity book FQ Universe Chemistry and Physics Sciences, 8th grade]. Lisbon: Texto Editores. Link

1.14. Costa, S., Fiolhais, C., Fiolhais, M., Gil, V., Morais, C., & Paiva, J. C. (2014). Caderno de Apoio ao Professor Universo FQ Ciências Físico-Químicas, 8.º ano [Teacher’s notebook FQ Universe Chemistry and Physics Sciences, 8th grade]. Lisbon: Texto Editores. Link

1.13. Costa, S., Fiolhais, C., Fiolhais, M., Gil, V., Morais, C., & Paiva, J. C. (2012, 2014 – edition adapted to the new curriculum goals). Universo FQ Ciências Físico-Químicas, 7.º ano [FQ Universe Chemistry and Physics Sciences, 7th grade]. Lisbon: Texto Editores. Link1 Link2 Link3 Link4

1.12. Costa, S., Fiolhais, C., Fiolhais, M., Gil, V., Morais, C., & Paiva, J. C. (2012, 2014 – edition adapted to the new curriculum goals). Caderno de Atividades Universo FQ Ciências Físico-Químicas, 7.º ano [Activity book FQ Universe – Chemistry and Physics Sciences, 7th grade]. Lisbon: Texto Editores. Link1 Link2

1.11. Costa, S., Fiolhais, C., Fiolhais, M., Gil, V., Morais, C., & Paiva, J. C. (2012, 2014 – edition adapted to the new curriculum goals). Caderno de Apoio ao Professor Universo FQ Ciências Físico-Químicas, 7.º ano [Teacher’s notebook FQ Universe Chemistry and Physics Sciences, 7th grade]. Lisbon: Texto Editores. Link1 Link2

1.10. Costa, S., Fiolhais, C., Fiolhais, M., Gil, V., Morais, C., & Paiva, J. C. (2012, 2014 – edition adapted to the new curriculum goals). Planos de Aula Universo FQ Ciências Físico-Químicas, 7.º ano [Lesson Plans FQ Universe Chemistry and Physics Sciences, 7th grade]. Lisbon: Texto Editores. Link1 Link2

1.9. Fiolhais, C., Fiolhais, M., Gil, V., Paiva, J. C., Morais, C., & Costa, S. (2008). 9CFQ – Ciências Físico-Químicas, 9.º ano [9CFQ – Chemistry and Physics Sciences, 9th grade]. Lisbon: Texto Editores. Link

1.8. Fiolhais, C., Fiolhais, M., Gil, V., Paiva, J. C., Morais, C., & Costa, S. (2008). Caderno de Atividades 9CFQ – Ciências Físico-Químicas, 9.º ano [Activity book 9CFQ – Chemistry and Physics Sciences, 9th grade]. Lisbon: Texto Editores. Link

1.7. Fiolhais, C., Fiolhais, M., Gil, V., Paiva, J. C., Morais, C., & Costa, S. (2008). Caderno de Apoio ao Professor 9CFQ – Ciências Físico-Químicas, 9.º ano [Teacher’s notebook 9CFQ – Chemistry and Physics Sciences, 9th grade]. Lisbon: Texto Editores. Link

1.6. Fiolhais, C., Fiolhais, M., Gil, V., Paiva, J. C., Morais, C., & Costa, S. (2007). 8CFQ – Ciências Físico-Químicas, 8.º ano [8CFQ – Chemistry and Physics Sciences, 8th grade]. Lisbon: Texto Editores. Link

1.5. Fiolhais, C., Fiolhais, M., Gil, V., Paiva, J. C., Morais, C., & Costa, S. (2007). Caderno de Atividades 8CFQ – Ciências Físico-Químicas, 8.º ano [Activity book 8CFQ – Chemistry and Physics Sciences, 8th grade]. Lisbon: Texto Editores. Link

1.4. Fiolhais, C., Fiolhais, M., Gil, V., Paiva, J. C., Morais, C., & Costa, S. (2007). Caderno de Apoio ao Professor 8CFQ – Ciências Físico-Químicas, 8.º ano [Teacher’s notebook 8CFQ – Chemistry and Physics Sciences, 8th grade]. Lisbon: Texto Editores. Link

1.3. Fiolhais, C., Fiolhais, M., Gil, V., Paiva, J. C., Morais, C., & Costa, S. (2006). 7CFQ – Ciências Físico-Químicas, 7.º ano [7CFQ – Chemistry and Physics Sciences, 7th grade]. Lisbon: Texto Editores. Link

1.2. Fiolhais, C., Fiolhais, M., Gil, V., Paiva, J. C., Morais, C., & Costa, S. (2006). Caderno de Atividades 7CFQ – Ciências Físico-Químicas, 7.º ano [Activity book 7CFQ – Chemistry and Physics Sciences, 7th grade]. Lisbon: Texto Editores. Link

1.1. Fiolhais, C., Fiolhais, M., Gil, V., Paiva, J. C., Morais, C., & Costa, S. (2006). Caderno de Apoio ao Professor 7CFQ – Ciências Físico-Químicas, 7.º ano [Teacher’s notebook 7CFQ – Chemistry and Physics Sciences, 7th grade]. Lisbon: Texto Editores. Link



1.5. Digital virtual reality prototype on the deep sea for the R&D project I SEA, 2020. Link

1.4. Co-authorsip of Jogo da Glória de Ciência [Science Game of Glory], made available by the Centro de Ciência Viva Rómulo de Carvalho, Coimbra, 2013. Link1 Link2

1.3. Participation in the edition and post-production of science educational vídeos, made available by the Centro de Ciência Viva Rómulo de Carvalho, Coimbra, 2012. Link

1.2. Scriptwriting of the computer simulation: Soluções aquosas: concentração e atividade [Aqueous solutions: concentration and activity], integrated in a research project financed by Casa das Ciências [House of Sciences] (Gulbenkian portal for teachers) (2010). Link1 Link2

1.1. Scriptwriting of the Jogo das Coisas – Segurança na Internet [The Game of Things – Security] (2005). Link


2.7. Scriptwriting of the educational software in the Physics and Chemistry subject in the 7th grade, available at Plataform 20 of LeYa and linked to the schoolbook: Costa, S., Fiolhais, C., Fiolhais, M., Gil, V., Morais, C., & Paiva, J. C., (2012). Universo FQ – Ciências Físico-Químicas 7.º ano [FQ Universe – Chemistry and Physics Sciences  – 7th grade]. Lisboa: Texto Editores. Cavaleiro, N. & Beleza, M. (2012). FQ 7 – Ciências Físico-Químicas 7.º ano [FQ 7 – Chemistry and Physics Sciencies – 7th grade]. Porto: ASA Editores.*

2.6. Consultant of the company Cnotinfor for the development of the educational software Crocodile Química, 2008. Link 

2.5. Video production (scripts and experimental directing) linked to Manual Multimédia 11F [Multimedia schoolbook 11F]: Ventura, G., Fiolhais, M., Fiolhais, C., Paiva, J. C., & Ferreira, A. (2008). Manual Multimédia 11F. Lisboa: Texto Editores. (available in CD-ROM) 

2.4. Video production (scripts and experimental directing) linked to Manual Multimédia 11Q [Multimedia schoolbook 11Q]: Paiva, J. C., Ferreira, A., Fiolhais, C., Fiolhais, M., & Ventura, G. (2008). Manual Multimédia 11Q. Lisboa: Texto Editores. (available in CD-ROM)

2.3. Scriptwriting of the educational software linked to Manual Multimédia 9CFQ [Multimedia schoolbook 9CFQ]: Fiolhais, C., Fiolhais, M., Gil, V., Paiva, J. C., Morais, C., & Costa, S. (2008). Manual Multimédia 9CFQ. Lisboa: Texto Editores. (available in CD-ROM) 

2.2. Scriptwriting of the educational software linked to Manual Multimédia 8CFQ [Multimedia schoolbook 8CFQ]: Fiolhais, C., Fiolhais, M., Gil, V., Paiva, J. C., Morais, C., & Costa, S. (2007). Manual Multimédia 8CFQ. Lisboa: Texto Editores. (available in CD-ROM) 

2.1. Scriptwriting of the educational software linked Manual Multimédia 7CFQ [Multimedia schoolbook 7CFQ]: Fiolhais, C., Fiolhais, M., Gil, V., Paiva, J. C., Morais, C., & Costa, S. (2006). Manual Multimédia 7CFQ. Lisboa: Texto Editores. (available in CD-ROM)



[The links present examples of curricular units available in Moodle UP
which, due to their dynamic nature, are constantly updated.]

1.14. Morais, C., & Simeão, P. (2019 -…). Ensino e Divulgação da Física e da Química I (2.º ciclo) [Physics and Chemistry Teaching and Communication (2nd cycle)]. FCUP. Link

1.13. Morais, C., Simeão, P., & Santos, M. (2019 -…). Elementos de Divulgação das Ciências  (2.º ciclo) [Elements for Science Communication (2nd cycle)]. FCUP. Link

1.12. Morais, C., & Paiva J. C. (2016 -…). Didática da Química I (2.º ciclo) [Chemistry Didactics I (2nd cycle)]. FCUP. Link

1.11. Morais, C., & Paiva J. C. (2015 -…). Didática da Química II (2.º ciclo) [Chemistry Didactics II (2nd cycle)]. FCUP. Link

1.10. Morais, C. (2013-…). Métodos de Investigação (3.º ciclo) [Research Methods (3rd cycle)]. FEUP.  Link

1.9. Morais, C., & Paiva J. C. (2012 – …). Desenvolvimento Pessoal e Profissional (1.º ciclo) [Personal and Professional Development (1st cycle)]. FCUP. Link

1.8. Morais, C. (2012 – …). Iniciação à Prática Profissional, incluindo a Prática de Ensino Supervisionada (2.º ciclo) [Introduction to Professional Practice, inlcuding Supervised Teaching practice (2nd cycle)], FCUP. Link 

1.7. Morais, C., & Paiva J. C. (2012 – …). Multimédia e Educação Científica (2.º ciclo) [Multimedia and Scientific Education (2nd cycle)]. FCUP. Link 

1.6. Morais, C., & Paiva J. C. (2012). Multimédia no Ensino da Química (2.º ciclo) [Multimedia in Chemistry Teaching (2nd cycle)]. FCUP. Link 

1.5. Morais, C. (2012). Educação Multimédia (2.º ciclo) [Multimedia Education (2nd cycle)]. FEUP. Link

1.4. Morais, C., & Paiva J. C. (2012). Contextos de E-Learning (2.º ciclo) [E-Learning contexts (2nd cycle)]. FEUP. Link

1.3. Morais, C., & Coelho, A. (2012 – …). Software Educativo (2.º ciclo) [Educational software (2nd cycle)]. FEUP, 2012 – (…). Link

1.2. Morais, C., & Coelho, A. (2012 – …). Metodologias de Investigação (2.º ciclo) [Research Methodologies (2nd cycle)]. FEUP. Link

1.1. Morais, C., & Monteiro, J. (2012 – …). Laboratório Multimédia e Educação (1.º ciclo) [Multimedia and Educational Lab (1st cycle)]. FPCEUP. Link


2.5. Morais, C., & Paiva J. C. (2016). II Encontro em Ensino e Divulgação das Ciências [II Meeting in Science Education and Communication]. FCUP.  Link

2.4. Morais, C., & Paiva J. C. (2015). I Encontro em Ensino e Divulgação das Ciências [I Meeting in Science Education and Communication]. FCUP.  Link

2.3. Morais, C., & Paiva J. C. (2011 – …). O professor de Físico-Química em investigação-ação [The Physics and Chemistry teacher in action-research]. FCUP.  Link

2.2. Morais, C., & Paiva J. C. (2010 – …).  Plataformas e experiências de e-learning no Ensino da Química [E-learning platforms and experiments in Chemistry Teaching]. FCUP.  Link

2.1. Morais, C., & Paiva J. C. (2009). Multimédia no Ensino da Química [Multimedia in Chemistry Teaching]. FCUP. Link


3.1. Monteiro, J., Morais, C., Moreira, L., & Paiva. J. C. (2014). Manual: Construindo e Divulgando a Química 2.0 [Manual: Building and Disseminating Chemistry 2.0]. Link


[The videos listed 7-14 are videos for dynamic asynchronous activities in Moodle, linked to the curricular unit e-learning contexts.]
[The videos 1-6 are video-lessons.]

4.14. Morais, C. (2014). Currículo “just-in-case” e “just-in-time”: algumas diferenças entre o ensino tradicional e o ensino a distância [“just-in-case” and “just-in-time” curriculum: some diferences between traditional learning and distance learning]Link

4.13. Morais, C. (2014). Modelos pedagógicos e o papel do professor em contextos de e-learning [Pedagogical models and the role of the teacher in e-learning contexts]. Link

4.12. Morais, C. (2014). Desenvolvimento de objetos de aprendizagem e pacotes de trabalho [Development of learning objects and workpackages]. Link

4.11. Morais, C. (2014). Considerações sobre o desenho instrucional de um curso de e-learning [Considerations on instructional design of an e-learning course]. Link 

4.10. Morais, C. (2014). Plataformas pedagógicas: Moodle e outras plataformas de e-learning [Pedagogical platforms: Moodle and other e-learning platforms]. Link 

4.9. Morais, C. (2014). Virtudes e constrangimentos do e-learning [E-learning advantages and constraints]. Link

4.8. Morais, C. (2014). Qualidade no e-learning [Quality in e-learning. Link

4.7. Morais, C. (2014). Avaliação em e-learning e e-learning em Portugal e no mundo [E-learning evaluation and e-learning in Portugal and the world]. Link 

4.6. Morais, C., & Paiva, J. C. (2010). Canal: Multimédia no Ensino da Química [Canal: Multimedia in Chemistry Teaching]. Link

4.5. Morais, C. (2010). Jogos, vídeos e simulações computacionais: potencialidades e nuances a considerar [Games, videos e computer simulations: potentialities and nuances to consider]. Link

4.4. Morais, C. (2010). Experiências internacionais e SACAUSEF [International experiments and SACAUSEF]. Link

4.3. Morais, C. (2010). WebQuests: incremento pedagógico da Internet [WebQuests: Internet pegagogical increase]. Link

4.2. Morais, C. (2010). Peças do Manual Multimédia II [Parts of Multimedia Schoolbook II]. Link 

4.1. Morais, C. (2010). Peças do Manual Multimédia I [Parts of Multimedia Schoolbook I]. Link


[The dates correspond to the launching of the website. Since these resources have a dynamic character, many of them are constantly updated.]

5.21. Morais, C., & Barros, J. (2019). Mestrado em Ensino e Divulgação das Ciências [MSc in Science Education and Communication], FCUP. Link

5.20. Morais, C., & Barros, J. (2017). III Encontro em Ensino e Divulgação das Ciências [III Meeting on Science Education and Communication], FCUP. Link

5.19. Morais, C., & Barros, J. (2016). II Encontro em Ensino e Divulgação das Ciências [II Meeting on Science Education and Communication], FCUP.  Link

5.18. Morais, C., & Barros, J. (2015). I Encontro em Ensino e Divulgação das Ciências [I Meeting on Science Education and Communication], FCUP.  Link

5.17. Morais, C., Paiva, J. C., & Barros, J. (2015). Recursos Educativos Digitais – Mostra UP [Digital Educational Resources – UP Fair]. Link  

5.16. Saúde, I., & Morais, C. (2014). Utilização pedagógica de histórias para o ensino da química: uma experiência com alunos do 8.º ano de escolaridade e do ensino pré-escolar [Pedagogical use of stories for Chemistry Teaching: na experiment with 8th grade and Preschool students]. Link 

5.15. Monteiro, J., Morais, C., Moreira, L. & Paiva. J. C. (2014). Construindo e Divulgando a Química 2.0 [Building and Disseminating Chemistry 2.0]. Link 

5.14. Moreira. L., Morais, C., & Paiva. J. C. (2014). Porque pirilampiscam os pirilampos?… e muitas outras perguntas luminosas sobre química [Why do fireflies fire light?… and many other luminous questions about chemistry]. Link

5.13. Paiva. J. C., Morais, C., & Moreira. L. (2014). UC Projeto – Licenciatura de Química com componente educacional [UC Project – Graduation in Chemistry with an educational component]. Link 

5.12. Paiva. J. C., Morais, C., & Moreira. L. (2013). Formação de Professores: CAPES – U.Porto [Teacher training: CAPES – U.Porto]. Link 

5.11. Vieira, H., & Morais, C. (2013). Módulo Inquiry: Estudo de perturbações a um estado de equilíbrio químico [Inquiry Module: The study of perturbations to a state of chemical balance]. Link 

5.10. Morais, C., & Barros, J. (2012). Histórias com Química [Stories with Chemistry]. Link 

5.9. Paiva J. C., Morais, C., & Martins, I. (2012). Jogo da Glória [Game of Glory]. Link

5.8. Morais, C., Paiva, J. C., & Martins, I. (2012). RÓMULO−Centro Ciência Viva da Universidade de Coimbra (otimização) [RÓMULO−Centro Ciência Viva, University of Coimbra (optimization)]. Link 

5.7. Paiva, J. C., Silva, M.D.R.M, Alves, C., Morais, C., & Martins, I. (2011). Soluções aquosas [Aqueous solutions]. Link 

5.6. Morais, C., Paiva, J. C., & Barros, J. (2009). WebQuest: Missão W.A.T.E.R. [WebQuest: W.A.T.E.R. Mission]. Link

5.5. Paiva, J. C., Morais, C., & Martins, I. (2007). EDUCHEM: página do grupo Cultura Científica, Multimédia e Educação do Centro de Investigação em Química da Universidade do Porto [EDUCHEM: page of the group Scientific Culture, Multimedia and Education of the Research Centre for Chemistry form the University of Porto]. Link 

5.4. Morais, C., Paiva, J. C., & Barros, J. (2007). WebQuest “Simular para potenciar a produção industrial de amoníaco [WebQuest “Simulating to increase the industrial production of ammonia”]. Link 

5.3. Morais, C., & Paiva, J. C. (2006). Química digital – Recursos digitais no ensino da Química: uma experiência no 7.º ano de escolaridade [Digital Chemistry – Digital resources in Chemistry Teaching: an experiment in the 7th grade]. Link 

5.2. Morais, C., Paiva, J. C., & Barros, J. (2006). WebQuests associadas a manuais escolares [WebQuests for schoolbooks]. Link

5.1. Morais, C., Paiva, J. C., & Barros, J. (2005). WebQuest: a Ciência explica o segredo do McBolo de chocolate [WebQuest: Science explains the secret of chocolate McCake]. Link